MediaInfo(查看多媒体编码信息) V20.05

MediaInfo(查看多媒体编码信息) V20.05
  • 软件评分:
  • 软件大小:
    5.6 MB
  • 软件类型:
  • 运行平台:
  • 软件属性:
    简体中文 免费软件
  • 收录时间:
    2024-06-17 12:00:28

MediaInfo(查看多媒体编码信息) V20.05软件介绍

MediaInfo检测视频编码信息,把目前几个主流的 CODEC viewer 的功能都给包进来了.像是对新格式的支持, 提供相关 CODECs 和播放软件的网页连结等等, 我觉得该有的功能都有了.
+ Add TIFF extension to Windows shell extension
x Debian 9 and Ubuntu 16.10+: Remove unneeded dependency
+ IMF and PTX: more languages detected from file names (but the full list of common languages tags still need to be added)
+ IMF and PTX: support of non-standard but common "LAS" = "Spanish (Latin America)" language code
+ MXF: Support of color primaries, transfer characteristic, coding equations defined in SMPTE ST 2067-21:2016 e.g. xvYCC or BT.2020
+ Minor performance optimizations and cleanup (Thanks to Pavel Pimenov)
+ MediaTrace optimization for Matroska
x Fixed parsing of FFV1 v0/v1
x PTX: fix crash due to bad parsing of some file names while looking for track language

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