Delphi反编译工具(DeDeDark) 3.50.4软件介绍
专业反编译Delphi工具DeDeDark 3.50,arkDe4.exe是DEDE 3.50.4的修改版(超强版:P) by DarkNess0ut,专业反编译delphi工具,主要修改部分界面!dede只是辅助分析的工具,不能完全反编译成delphi源码的,我一般是用dede查看,记下地址,再用ollyice更改。特点:01.修改了Title和ClassName "DeDe"->"DarK",绝大部分的Anti检测都没有用了02.DIY原DEDE,使得可以反汇编得到非标准程序的Forms格式和Procedures的事件(^_^)03.直接反汇编功能的选项,原DEDE就提供了 "When this is checked DeDe will try to load the target and will read some valueable information from the new process memory that will be used later on. I do recommend this option to be ALWAYS checked! If it is not,DeDe will work little faster, but you will not have global var references, no unit inforamati on, DOI engine will work no more than 40% of its potential and many more *bad* things." Caption = ’Dump extra data and search for obj/prop references’04.增加对特殊处理过的PACKAGEINFO的Uint List的显示,设定GetSectionIndexByRVA默认返回值是-1or2 选项在Option->configuration->Preferences->General-> Not Special Program And PACKAGEINFO,No Warn Saving 选择,将提供缺省功能; 不选,则增加对PACKAGEINFO的搜索功能和GetSectionIndexByRVA函数的默认返回值=2. (通常应该采用缺省模式,当反汇编有错误或PackageInfo有错时,尝试使用)原有的"Do not allow report to be saved in existing folder"功能,继续保留,借鸡生蛋而已:) 使用原有english.ini的话, 选项将显示"Do not allow report to be saved in existing folder",请自行修改 05.修改原有的"Open With DEDE"的注册键错误&BUG,可以使用右键运行DEDE反汇编Delphi/BCB06.去处NAG显示07.修复原有Dump Active Process的BUG 可以 使用Shift+Alt+Ctrl+D Dump Process ->Dump.dmp文件 使用Shift+Alt+Ctrl+I Dump Info ->procinf_dmp.txt08.Enable Dump按钮(画蛇添足:P)09.修复拖放处理程序时,确认对话框的BUG!10.修复Forms下将DFM保存为RES文件的BUG!11.Enable Procedures下右键的Analize Class功能12.修复Forms下DFM的"Open With NotePad"功能13.heXer提供修复反汇编引擎的代码,修复后,爽歪歪啊:P 主要是解决了反汇编的错误
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